ProImmune SARS-CoV-2 Expert Symposium

ProImmune SARS-CoV-2 Expert Symposium

Thursday, 20 May 2021

12:50pm (BST) / 7:50am (EDT) / 7:50pm (SGT/CST)

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This is a unique opportunity to participate in a half-day symposium where renowned global experts in the immunology of SARS-CoV-2 will present and discuss their latest thinking and data in vaccine development, basic science, as well as what they perceive to be the main challenges still to be overcome in this pandemic.

There are many on-going national and international vaccine programmes, but it is currently unknown whether or not long-lasting protective immunity will be established. In order to develop effective vaccines and establish appropriate therapeutic interventions for patients with COVID-19, a better understanding and characterization of the immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 has never been more urgent. This meeting is a forum to share knowledge, perspectives and discuss solutions to the complex challenges of SARS-CoV-2 immunity.

Learn from the academic experts as they highlight their discoveries in the context of monitoring immune responses. Share information with like-minded scientist from other organizations and explore new opportunities for collaboration. Discover fresh perspectives and novel ideas to combat the challenges in the rapidly changing field of immunology. Connect with people from different part of the world with similar research interest.


BST (GMT+1)EDT (GMT-4)SGT/CST (GMT+8)SpeakerTitle & Abstract
1:00pm8:00am8:00pmProf. Eui-Cheol Shin
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Laboratory of Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Phenotypes and functions of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells
1:25pm8:25am8:25pmDr. Nina Le Bert
Duke-NUS Medical School, Emerging Infectious Diseases
SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in infection and vaccination: a case for their protective role
1:50pm8:50am8:50pmDr. Yanchun Peng
University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, CAMS-Oxford Institute
The role of antigen-specific T cell responses in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Dr. Jeremy Fry

Experts Panel Discussion
Prof. Tao Dong

University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, CAMS-Oxford Institute
Prof. Eui-Cheol Shin

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Laboratory of Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Dr. Nina Le Bert

Duke-NUS Medical School, Emerging Infectious Diseases
Dr. Yanchun Peng

University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, CAMS-Oxford Institute
2:45pm9:45am9:45pmNETWORKING BREAK
3:00pm10:00am10:00pmMr. Edmund Neo
Epitope identification and clinical immune monitoring tools
3:10pm10:10am10:10pmProf. Alessandro Sette
University of California, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Study of adaptive responses to SARS CoV2
3:35pm10:35am10:35pmProf. Katie Ewer
University of Oxford, Jenner Institute
T cell responses to the Oxford / AZ COVID-19 vaccine in UK clinical trials
4:00pm11:00am11:00pmDr. Kate Broderick
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.
INO-4800 – A DNA based vaccine against COVID-19
Dr. Jeremy Fry

Experts Panel Discussion
Prof. Antonio Bertoletti

Duke-NUS Medical School, Emerging Infectious Diseases
Prof. Alessandro Sette

University of California, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Prof. Katie Ewer

University of Oxford, Jenner Institute
Dr. Kate Broderick

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Speakers from previous ProImmune Meetings

Presentations from our meetings are available online free of charge.

Dr. Inderpal Singh,
TEVA Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Yeojun Yun,
Synteka Bio
Prof. Antonio Bertoletti,
Duke NUS
Prof. Tao Dong,
University of Oxford
Prof. Arlene Sharpe,
Harvard University
Dr. Lea Bartsch,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Zuben Sauna,
Dr. Priya Sriraman, Celgene
Dr. Vibha Jawa,
Dr. Rodd Polsky,
Dr. David Wraith,
Dr. Aaron Mansfield,
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Tim Hickling,
Prof. Beatriz Carreno,
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Jochem Gokemeijer,
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Dr. Sophie Tourdot,

How will I benefit?

  • Informed of the latest
    development in SARS-CoV-2 research
  • Learn from the experts
  • Explore on the latest technology used
  • Connect with like-minded people

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